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I am suffering from uneven skin color and from Hyper pigmentation. I also have lot of scars on my skin. Please help me with this.

Last Updated - Fri, Mar 16 2018

Detailed Question:

Ii always be in depression because of my skin color, its uneven. Hilghy suffering from hyperpigmentation, dull and black Skin.I also have lots of scars, like have in chickenpox 
all over my body.

Female 20 years please help.

Category: Dermatology

Skin Pigmentation

Hyperpigmentation can be caused by sun damage, inflammation, or other skin injuries, including those related to acne vulgaris. People with darker Asian, Mediterranean, or African skin tones are more prone to hyperpigmentation, especially with excess sun exposure.

Many forms of hyperpigmentation are caused by an excess production of melanin. Hyperpigmentation can be diffuse or focal, affecting such areas as the face and the back of the hands. Melanin is produced by melanocytes at the lower layer of the epidermis. Melanin is a class of pigment responsible for producing color in the body in places such as
the eyes, skin, and hair. As the body ages, melanocyte distribution becomes less diffuse and its regulation less controlled by the body. UV light stimulates melanocyte activity, and where concentration of the cells is greater, hyperpigmentation occurs.

 Home remedies for this kind of skin problems are: 
Dissolve 2 tbsp of aloe vera gel and 1/2 squeezed lemon juice to a half cup of water.
pour into the ice-cube tray and freeze.
Daily in the morning, massage this ice-cube for 2 minutes.Repeat every day for best results. 

Use a high spf sunscreen lotion always. 
You can also opt for a few peeling sessions from a dermatologist e.g Glycolic peel Or Retises CT peel (Yellow peel, also known as skin lightening peel) for a better and more effective skin treatment. 

Melawash face wash - Use it twice daily.

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Suffering from Uneven Skin Color and Hyper Pigmentation - JustDoc

I am suffering from uneven skin color and from Hyper pigmentation. I also have lot of scars on my skin.