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IME-9: Can I use Kudos IME 9 Tablet for Diabetes Mellitus?

Last Updated - Wed, Apr 18 2018

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Detailed Question:

Hi JustDoc,

I have diabetes mellitus since last 12 years. I have very high sugar levels
Fasting Sugar- 150
PPBS Sugar - 240
HbA1c - 8.7%

I'm really worried and I'm already taking many medicines and insulin injections to regulate this sugar level. I read a newspaper article talking about IME-9 tablet has been approved by Department of AYUSH and Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences. It can reverse diabetes organically and no need to take insulin injections or medicines after that because it can improve that easily. 

Should I use this drug instead of normal diabetes medicines? What are the side effects of ime 9 tablet developed by AYUSH department?

Category: General Physician


Thank you for asking this question about Kudos IME-9 Tablet. A lot of people are asking about ime9 and as diabetologists, we also have limited knowledge about this drug.

First and foremost, don't stop your current medication or insulin in any case. Your sugar levels are on the higher side and even after taking insulin and medicines, it is not under control.

So, there is no easy way out. Diabetes is a lifestyle disease and you need to certainly make changes to your current diet, exercise routine etc. (This is a different discussion altogether) You can also refer to this diabetes diet chart if you need some help.

Coming to IME 9 Tablet. Here are the facts so far:-
  • A study was conducted by CCRAS on 1000 patients and it is branded as a research product.
  • As per the official website, it is made from 5 vital herbs - Karela, Jamun, Amra, Gudmar & Shilajit
  • There were no significant side effects observed in the study
Composition and Benefits of IME 9
  • Karela (Momordica Charantina Linn - 625 mg) - It is a bio-active compound that helps in lowering blood sugar level
  • Jamun (Syzygium Cuminii - 625 mg) - It helps in preventing the surge of sugar levels after eating food (PPBS). These sugar spikes are more harmful than anything else
  • Gudmar (Gymnema Sylvestre R.Br. - 625 mg) - It helps in decreasing insulin resistance
  • Amra (Mangifera Indica - 625 mg) - It helps in stimulating insulin production by beta cells
  • Shudh Shilajit (Asphaltum - 0.1665g) - It helps in protecting beta cells in the body from free radicals
Side effects of Kudos IME-9
  • Hypoglycemia - Sudden drop in sugar levels
  • Allergic reaction to any of the components
  • There are no significant side effects as per CCRAS
User complaints about IME-9 (reported, but might not be associated with IME-9)
  • Constipation
  • Increase in sugar level
  • Sugar drop (hypoglycemia)
It should be taken three times a day, at least 30-45 minutes before meals. Please refer to a doctor for exact dosage and timings.

Verdict on IME-9 Tablet
It is a research product with a study done on a very small sample size of users. Government is definitely advertising the product a lot. A lot of side effects or benefits might be uncovered in more studies. I'd recommend continuing with the existing medicines, make lifestyle changes and go about the hard way when it comes to tackling type-2 diabetes. It is too early to say the real benefits of this drug.

If you still want to go ahead with this ayurvedic medicine, I'd ask you to consult an ayurvedic professional.

Where can I buy Kudos IME-9 Tablet?

You can buy for IME-9 tablet from a local pharmacy or on online medicine delivery portals. It is suggested to get a doctor's advice or seek help from an AYUSH consultant before making a decision.

Expert advice on Ime9 - Buy a glucometer and monitor your sugar levels regularly. Make certain lifestyle changes instead of waiting for the wonder medicine.

Cost of Kudos IME-9
 Tablet - Rs 260 to Rs. 300 per 60 tablets.

IME-9 Package Information
Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences (CCARS), Govt. of India, has developed a novel technology to help maintain Health Glycemic Index with Scientific Authenticity. The research team comprising of eminent Doctors and Scientists have developed a formulation of synergistic compound combination of herbs medicine standardised as per Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeal Committee (APC) with proven efficacy and safety. To be taken under medical supervision.

Manufacturer - Kudos Laboratories India (

Get medical advice, if you have more doubts about this tablet.

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