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I have bone tuberculosis which causes severe pain in hip joint area

Last Updated - Tue, Aug 07 2018

Similar Questions - What isBone Tuberculosis? Is Bone TB harmful? Can I get Tuberculosis on hip? Is tb at hip joint possible? What are some common bone tb symptoms?

Detailed Question:

Hello Sir/Madam,

I am 23 years old and for last two years I am having some pain in left hip joint area. We consulted many doctors, some said I am having Bone Tuberculosis and they treated for that after treatment it got cared. But with changing weather or some times it get arises and pain is that much acute that I am unable to walk, will feel dizzy.

That pain is not constant it will come and go.

We are unable to understand what is the problem. I am attaching some old MRI images, prescriptions and some new X-ray dated 15 July 2016. Again I am having severe pain in left side of hip joint, I am unable to move.

I am also attaching the X-Ray as prescribed by doctor. 

Doctor told some liquid is there which is getting solidify because of that problem starting, please also find the prescription of doctor for this time i.e. on 15 July 2016, with X-Ray. 

Please help

Category: General Physician


Thanks for writing your query. Let me explain you what is bone tuberculosis first.

Bone Tuberculosis
Tuberculosis of bone, sometimes it is also known as Extrapulmonary tuberculosis. This usually occurs when the germs of mycobacterium tuberculosis spread from our lungs (which is always the first site of its infection) to bones like the spine, hip etc. and they usually spread via our bloodstream. Bone Tuberculosis is treated similarly to pulmonary TB, but in some cases a surgery might be required to treat damaged areas of the bone.

After going through the X-Rays, it seems that the condition you described looks more like Ankylosing Spondylitis and not bone tuberculosis.

Ankylosing spondylitis on the other hand is an inflammatory disease that can cause some of the vertebrae in your spine/hip to fuse together. This fusing makes the spine less flexible and can result in a hunched-forward posture. If ribs are affected, it may be difficult to breathe deeply. 

Also stop Microcid SR. Continue other medicines. May take Tab. Aceclofenac+PCM - Once a day for pain for a month and then follow up.

Consult if pain is not relieved

Bone Tuberculosis

The bacteria Mycobacteria tuberculosis causes tuberculosis. Although tuberculosis, or TB, primarily affects the lungs, it can spread through the blood stream to other sites, a circumstance called extrapulmonary or disseminated tuberculosis. The ends of long bones and the vertebrae are commons sites of extrapulmonary tuberculosis, accounting for up to 35 percent of all cases, according to Drs. Golden and Vikram in their November 2005 article in "American Family Physician."

Tuberculosis can affect any bone, but most commonly it attacks the spine and weight-bearing joints. According to the Merck Manuals Online Medical Library, hands, wrists and elbows often are affected, especially if the patient previously injured them. The type of pain depends on the exact location of the tuberculosis. Spinal tuberculosis, also called Pott's 
disease, usually affects the thoracic part of the spine, causing constant back pain as the virus degrades the discs cushioning the vertebrae. Tuberculosis in the joints causes an aching pain and stiffness. Tuberculous osteomyelitis, or bone infection, causes constant pain in the bone itself and can cause complications in nearby tissues, such as carpal tunnel syndrome if the wrist is affected.

Tuberculosis of the joints, called articular TB, progressively destroys the joints at the hips or knees. Doctors refer to the condition as "mono-arthritis" because only one joint is affected. The affected joint swells and becomes painful. Movement stiffens, and range of motion is limited. In severe and chronic cases, abscesses develop in the affected joints.

Spinal tuberculosis, if left untreated, can spread from one vertebra to the next, weakening the bones and destroying the cushioning discs between them. In severe cases, the spine can collapse and pinch the spinal cord, causing paralysis of the lower body.

Spinal Hump
If spinal TB progresses to destruction of the vertebrae and discs, the bones of the spine jut forward. A doctor might be able to feel the displacement as the bones of the spine form a hump called a gibbus.

Generalized Symptoms
Patients with TB in their bones might or might not exhibit generalized signs of tuberculosis such as fever, fatigue, night sweats and unexplained weight loss. According to Drs. Golden and Vikram, patients with spinal TB typically experience generalized symptoms, while those with articular TB generally do not. Although about half of all patients with bone TB also
 have infected lungs, the disease usually is not active there. This means that most patients with bone TB do not suffer from coughing and probably do not suspect that they have tuberculosis. Patients with bone TB are generally not contagious because the disease spreads through coughed up active virus particles.

Ask a bone doctor to know more.

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