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Cervical Lymph Nodes in Submandibular region are enlarged in Ultrasound. What does this mean?

Last Updated - Fri, Mar 16 2018

Detailed Question:

Last month, I found a node on my neck and I went on to get this checked by doctor. 

She sent me to get an ultrasound done and finally concluded that my Submandibular Cervical Lymph Nodes are enlarged.

  1. Two of them were palpable at this time. I had no preceding illness
  2. The nodes are hard and not fixed at any place
  3. The doctor did not find any other palpable nodes in any other part of my body
  4. Also, there was no Organomegaly found
  5. My LFF, inflammatory markers and US were all normal
  6. I don't have any history of TB

Ultrasound shows enlarged nodes in submandibular (right side) region and jugular lymph node chain with a node that did not contain normal fatty hilum. The nodes were unchanged in their size.

  • Also, I feel bad throat as I cough the whole night and could not sleep well.
  • Is it dangerous and urgent?
  • How quickly should I manage this?
  • I plan to go back to my country in 5 months time, can I wait till then?

I am looking forwards to your help and advice.

Thank you in advance!!

Category: General Physician

An enlarged lymph node is usually a sign of an infection originating from surrounding areas. If you say the lymph nodes were unchanged in size, they must not be enlarged. 

If the submandibular region lymph nodes are enlarged, we often rule out two conditions: 
  • Tuberculosis
  • Mumps

Since you mention cough and lethargy, it is most important to get a Sputum Culture and AFB smear with 3 morning samples of sputum on different days. 

I would also like to see the Ultrasound report to reach to a conclusion. 

Also keep a note if you develop fever and do not delay treatment as Tuberculosis can spread to others and also can be very dangerous for you. 

You can show attach your Ultrasound reports and consult a physician ASAP.

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Cervical Lymph Nodes in Submandibular are Enlarged in Ultrasound

Doctor concluded from my ultrasound that my Submandibular Cervical Lymph Nodes are enlarged. Ultrasound shows enlarged nodes in submandibular region