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Unprotected Sex with Girl friend and her Periods didnt last Long. Is she Pregnant?

Last Updated - Fri, Mar 16 2018

Detailed Question:

I had unprotected sex with my Girl friend two weeks back, last week she had periods but it didnt last for more than two hours.

She took contraceptive pill after sex, is she pregnant ?

Category: Sexology

Diagnosis: pregnancy

Buy a home pregnancy test kit from your local medical shop. E.g. I-CAN or PREGA NEWS etc.Different brands may have slight variations, so always read the instructions on the pack that you buy. Most kits come with a 1 test device and 1 disposable dropper. 

1. Using the dropper collect 3-6 drops of mid-stream urine. 
2. Add 3 drops of this in the depressed area of the test device. 
3. Wait for 5 minutes. 
4. Check the test. If you see 2 lines or a +sign (this varies from kit to kit): the result is positive means YOU ARE PREGNANT. If one line appears or no + sign: the result is negative means YOU ARE NOT PREGNANT. If one line is lighter than the other, the test is inconclusive; you should repeat the test in 3 days. 
5. If you have doubts take a photo of the test device and share it with us, we will check it for you.

Rekool d - Once daily at 8 am for 3 days
Cap Cobadex z - Once daily after food for 15 days

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Unprotected Sex and periods not lasting long - JustDoc

I had unprotected sex with my girl friend and her periods didnt last long. Is she Pregnant?